Inspiración VR — fashion

Un regalo de aniversario distinto

Nos encanta recibir encargos especiales distintos con sentido y amor. Este proyecto fue realizado para el aniversario de una pareja muy especial que disfrutaba mucho viendo la serie juntos de "Games of Throne".  Este anillo fue un diseño especial lleno de detalles y texturas realizadas en cera perdida a mano y fabricado en Plata 950 y baño de rodio. El resultado una pareja feliz con una mini escultura portable símbolo del amor y la entretención juntos. We designed this ring together and its main inspiration was "Games of Thrones", the TV show they watched together. It was completely hand carved...

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Inspiring Collaborations

In this post we remember this beautiful collaboration we did with the prestigious Chilean designer Matías Hernan and his spectacular dress that Carolina De Moras was wearing the last night of the Festival de Viña del Mar 2014. This piece was custom made for her and the dress. We used a forged brass piece that was gold plated with 18k gold. This is a perfect example of how jewelry works with fashion and apparel design in a synergetic way. This challenge was absolutely inspiring, because we explore new shapes and corporal uses of a jewel, and how it can live...

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